A week with the witch

It was an intensive week. A lot of driving, a lot of walking, not a lot of sleep and not a lot of food. At some times it was rather stressful, but mostly because of unnecessary worrying from my account and happenings that I could not really control. But considering the amount of road I covered during those days, that week went by quite smoothly. I decided not to make a concrete plan, just a flexible list of things to see and do. I should remember this idea for the next times, it worked nicely.

And I rediscovered photography. I never actually left it, but I was hugely disappointed by the photos I took in Berlin. This time though, probably because of my (usually) relaxed stated of mind it turned out very well. I take pictures exclusively for fun and I am sure that the quality of my captures is in directly relation to my state of mind while I take them. The fact that one of the pictures was well received by complete strangers in a photography forum just proves this point.

And I enjoyed having my good friend around as my guest. I honestly did my best to listen to her needs and make her feel at home, moderate between her and my parents if it was needed and make everyone at ease. I also hope that she knows that I don't "do" compliments: if I like something, I say so. If I don't, I usually just shut up. And I cannot fake it.

To summarize this week in one word: good. In two words: just great.


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