The Fog

I listen to the radio. I get eMails and twits using push technology directly to both my phone and my laptop. I check my Facebook page and several news web sites. I read a blog now and then and even write my own opinions on 2 different blogs. Surely I am not an activist or a radical, but I think I'm involved and opinionated.

But it's too much. We are being bombarded by so many news items, blog posts, status lines and video clips, all of them are supposed to help us form an opinion or convince us to support a certain side in a political debate. But in most occasions, this information tsunami does not actually make us rethink or contemplate. At best it will strengthen our opinions, at worst it will cause panic, but in most occasions, it just confuses us.

It feels like a fog, made of words, sounds, pictures and clips in which we have to blindly navigate, a cloud of memes that struggle to catch on and multiply. And this fog is just getting thicker and thicker and distracts us from focusing on what's really important, which is, obviously, the reality itself.

I have no solution or a way to deal with that. I cannot ignore this tsunami but I can't keep up with it either. But apparently The Doves were right by saying "Too much choice, is no choice at all".


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