12 things that I learned this year

  1. You can surprise even the most prepared nation on earth (talking about Japan).
  2. It is possible to write a song with less than one note (according to Charlie Brooker, referring to Rebecca Black's "Friday").
  3. If economic policy makers tell you everything is under control, get ready for a crush. When the crush happens, if they tell you recovery has started, get ready for a "double dip".
  4. Every dog indeed has its day (and this year many dogs reached their respective days).
  5. The lessons from France 1889 were not learned: toppling a dictator does not guarantee democracy.
  6. Democracy is illusive and often misunderstood, but it's still the least worst political system and it's the most precious asset the Western world has.
  7. Germans are to food what French are to cars. And vice versa.
  8. HTC still makes better phones than other firms, even when they are having a bad year.
  9. The people who you care about most, will annoy you most. It won't stop you from continuing to care about them though.
  10. If you actually understand how nature works (chemistry, genetics, quantum physics etc.) and you still believe in "spirituality", something is missing in your life.
  11. I am Polish (according to Eva).
  12. Keep Calm and Carry On.


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