
Recently I've been told by several people that I complain a lot about the heat. I won't even try to deny it, because it is true. The heat this summer really takes its toll on and I have issues dealing with it. But why is that any different from past years? I've been living in the Israeli coastal plain for nearly 30 years and it's not as if the summers were particularly pleasant: the temperatures were always stable at around 29°C and the humidity revolved at around 70%. Yes, there were a few days of higher temperatures, but these heatwaves were not frequent and ended withing a few days.

But this year seems to be different. I honestly cannot recall a single day with temperatures bellow 32° in the past month or so. To make things even worse, temperatures of 34° and more are very common (in fact, this is the forecast for today) and we had a week long heatwave with temperatures that reached 39°. Add the same amount of humidity as before and you will reach the inevitable conclusion that the atheists were wrong and hell does exist. You just don't need to die in order to get there.

And I am not built for this heat. I am not fit enough and my skin instead of getting darker in the sun, simply remains pale but with an increasing amount of darker sunspots. In the early days of low-colour computer graphics this effect was called dithering.

Heat was also a movie which I did not like, despite the ambitious cast and budget. It just seemed like a very predictable master cop vs. master criminal, in which the main characters were very well represented by two great actors - but to me it simply wasn't enough.

I really should end this post before it becomes even more grumpy. But I simply dislike heat. And I will probably say the exact same things about the cold.


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