Holding my breath

I have been an Israeli since the age of 3 years and one month. I was not born here, but I don't know any other reality. The fact that I travel quite a lot and hold a double citizenship does not change this fact either.

I wonder if in other nations you have this feeling, that we have right now. It feels as if the whole country is holding its breath, waiting for the deal to go through and we'll be able to finally see our boy back home.

It is not similar to the feeling of watching a sports team playing abroad. This feels more like waiting for a complicated surgery to end after a long period of suffering. And like the surgery, there's going to be a long recovery process, which will include a risks and dangers.

But this wound has to be healed, and I hope our government will have the sense and courage to make this decision. This decision might have negative and tragic consequences in the future, but at least we will enter this future united.

Update: the deal was approved and will go through. The other side calls it a victory and the right wing says we lost, but what they forget a very important fact: we now have one less complication, one less thing to worry about, one less distraction. And in the hectic life of this troubled country, this is a lot.


  1. I know this feeling. And I am keeping fingers crossed.

  2. All such decisions are swords with at least two edges, both bitingly sharp...

  3. I agree, and I think anyone in his right mind has some doubts regarding it. Even Gilad's parents.


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