Believe It Or Not - But Just Live

It's not for me to decide if god exists, I can only choose whether to believe in its existence or not. One of my main issues with any organized religions is the idea that ordinary human beings assume the authority to speak for god and interpret its meaning. Hence if I decide that god doesn't exist and try to convince others, I'm not better than any of those rabbis, priests, qadis and ayatollahs who do the opposite.

I don't believe god exists. I don't think god exists, but co-existence is a more important than the question of god's existence. I see no reason act like a jerk during religious ceremonies, in the same way that I hate the fact that as a Jew in Israel I cannot marry in a civil ceremony. The status quo between religion and secularism in Israel has to change and become more flexible and understanding for the sake of both sides.


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