Hello, how may I be of service?
Working in customer support exposed me to a wide variety of people, with wide variety of intelligence quotients. I know that it's politically correct to say that intelligence has nothing to do with how descent a person is, but it's actually true. The strange thing though is how little education has with real-life intelligence and the ability to solve problems. Life saving surgeons and fearsome lawyers often panic in front of a small sat-nav system (which we call GPS here in Israel). It's even more weird watching self-proclaimed electrical engineers and members of the IT crowd struggle with consumer electronics and laptops. In my honest opinion, a technician that won't even try to look for a solution and instead call customer support - is not a good technician. Anyway, here are some real quotes from conversations me and my colleagues had in the past 3 months: Customer: My PDA is not working! Support: How did it happen? Cus tomer: It got a little wet. Support: Okay, t...